First ever Commissions Announcement! Please read!

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TantzAerine's avatar
Hello world! 

I STILL need to make a little cash on the side, relatively fast. So I'm going to give this a whirl, hoping it gets me my goal. I'd very much appreciate it if you gave this a read and let people know!

I'm open for commissions for portraits of up to two people, with or without background in the shot.

Prices go at:

15 euro for a single non-background portrait character which would get you a portrait of this quality:… or… or…

20 euro for a single person portrait of this quality with some background:…

30 euro for a single person portrait that requires more detail plus background:… or… or…

To the above prices add another 5 euro if there's a second person there :)

ETA to all of these is 4-5 days from the moment the primary sketch is approved by you! I will require my payment on approval of that initial sketch to go on. :) 

So this is it guys and I hope this works! :D

1. Oz as a Hussar (Complete!)…

2. :icondarwinsdomain: 's Steve Martin (completed!)…

3. Pit Face as a Hoplite (complete!)…

4. :iconpit-face: 's Tredd (complete!)  Morning Maintenance by TantzAerine
© 2014 - 2024 TantzAerine
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usedbooks's avatar
Amazing art, always! I was just considering a subject to comission you for when the hurricane hit, so now I have $500 of shiny new debt to deal with. -_- 

I'll try to help by promoting you to my small circle of friends. :)